Friday, January 30, 2009


I can't believe how quickly this week has gone by. of course with days off for the kids from snow, it's been a messed up week- 2 days of school is all they had. I am glad they are back tho- I needed some me time! LOL! I've been doing a little card making. I also have been laughing myself silly with some goofy websites- ever hear of the bloggies?
I highly recommend cake wrecks , craftstastrophe, and I can has cheezburger for silliness. really there are some fine sites out there- check them out.
so onto my creations- I made this card using Rae's sketch from 2sketches4you. the papers are KaiserCraft and bobunny double dot CS. I used some lightly patterned KI for the card base too.
As you can see , I got my cuttlebug and a swiss dots embossing folder. fun fun funnyyyy fun!!!
I've used some K&Co stickers, bobunny ribbon, MM letters and my deco scissors.
I also get to announce that I've made the Card Patterns DT and will be posting those cards as we go as well.

Next is this baby card I made with Kaisercraft papers, the base is some KI paper, and I cut out the clouds after embossing my white paper with the devine swirls folder. added in some buttons and dmc floss, some glittery AC thickers letters and my own handwriting.
this card I thought is perfect for Vday- but has a nice different message then just I love you.
I used some Flair papers, some bobunny double dot that I embossed with devine swirls, and my deco scissors. then I added in some prima flower "wings", buttons and floss, and MM letters.
we made lots of caramel popcorn this weekend- it was such a treat to have- yummy!!
since it made so much, I sent in some to the teachers. Recipe below...
I used some curling ribbon to tie it together, then added some cream paper I used my Birds and Swirls embossing folder on top of some bobunny double dot. I added an Around the Block piece, some colorbok chipboard toppers with stickles glitter and my usual button and floss. I also added a brad to the tag, it could have easily hung from the ribbon as well.

6 qt Popcorn; popped
1 c Butter
2 c Brown sugar; packed
1/2 c Corn syrup
1 ts Salt
1/2 ts Baking soda
1 ts Vanilla extract

Preparation Time: 1:30
Heat oven to 250 degrees. Put popped corn into buttered roasting pan. Melt butter in saucepan, stir in brown sugar, corn syrup and salt. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Boil further without stirring for 5 minutes then remove from heat. Stir in vanilla then soda. Stir well. Pour over corn, stir well. Bake an hour, stirring every 15 minutes.

this stuff is awesome! ( recipe from
hope you have an awesome weekend!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday morning

Happy Monday you all! today I am sad to say is my last card for the winter term at 2sketches4you. I have had such a blast and am so blessed to have made new friends as part of this team. I love the sketches by the talented Kazan and Laura and will certainly continue to pop in to play along. I'm excited for them as well to see who the new DT will be.
today my final sketch is done with these cool printable designs from the Cutting Cafe. Regina had offered up these adorable cupcake designs. I tell you I had so much fun making this card!
of course these stash papers from KI Memories also helped- they are so bright and cheery!
I have to give a shout out to Heidi Van Laar-
she did a card with a rosette last week and I loved how it looked, so she inspired the rosette on my card. I printed out the designs onto patterned paper, then paper pieced them together. I used a bit of bobunny ribbon there and also a couple gems and stickers from MAMBI. ( the cherry has a red gem on it) and I also used my Martha punch for the scalloped border.

thanks for dropping by today! i hope to have some new things to share tomorrow. I'm going to play with my new Cuttlebug machine! let the fun begin!

have a wonderful day!


Friday, January 23, 2009

fun playday!

Goood morning! today I am showing off another new Bobunny release! It's my party! but there will be no crying- unless it's tears of joy seeing the new sticker sheet I designed!! see below for another set of stickers I designed.
there is a WHOLE lot more to this collection tho- go over to Bobunny's blog to check out the other fabulously gorgeous letters, rubons, stickers, diecuts, papers and MORE!!!
I also got out my extra papers left over from the Love Shack and Alissa Collections. And I made a few cards, a treat wrap and a wall hanging! I had a great day just creating yesterday- hence my blog title today.
first the wall hanging- I simply cut a piece of lightweight chipboard, adhereed some patterned paper from Scenic Route, then added in everything else. I used loveshack paper on this, a couple felt K&CO flowers, hambly print acrylic piece, some glittered AC Thickers letters, bobunny button, craft supply buttons, some MM small letters and MAMBI gem heart stickers. along with a good amount of ribbon.

here is a close up, I added the hand drawn scallop border around the pink heart.
next I made this treat wrap- I didn't have anything right now- I think I'll stick a nice big wrapped cookie in it. I used more Love Shack papers, my Martha Punch, some bobunny ribbon, a felt flower from K&CO, some black double dot cardstock from bobunny and some MM brads.

this sweet card is made with Alissa papers. I added in some SR graph paper cut with scallop scissors, a owl sticker from K&CO, AC glittery Thickers, MM letters, bobunny buttons and some waxed twine.

this sweet heart card is made with bobunny double dot cardstock, love shack pink dots paper, some K&CO green paper punched with my martha punch. a hambly journal spot, K&CO heart sticker, mrs. grossmans greeting and some MM letters.

I loved the orange cardstock yesterday! here is more love shack paper, some K&CO stickers, darice buttons, and MM letters . I loved those scallop scissors yesterday didn't I? LOL!

that is it for today! i am off to buy myself a cuttlebug machine! whoo hooo! have a wonderful day!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I made these delicious treats the other night. I love to bake, but I'm seriously at a point where I just feel that taking shortcuts is better for me. Less time, less mess and I get the job done. We have homemade treats to send in to the teachers and DH's work buddies on a regular basis. And no one knows that I used a cake mix for these. ( remember those Rice Krispie Treats commercials where the mom would spend 10 minutes fixing them and dust herself with flour and come out looking ragged and run down! :) LOL!)
what are these delicious looking things? well I've called them Black Bottom Cupcakes my whole life- my hubby has now notoriously dubbed them FAT bottom cupcakes! Hee hee hee.
but some people call them Black and Whites as well. They are a chocolate base with basically a chocolate chip cheese cake dollop in the middle.
yumm yummm yummmmmmmmmm!!
you can find the recipe at recipe source -
for mine- I simply used Devils Food cake mix, and the cream cheese mixture.
16 oz Cream cheese, room temp
2 Eggs
2/3 c Sugar
1/8 t Salt
12 oz Chocolate chips semi sweet
I think I would try adding 2 tblsp of white vinegar to the chocolate cake mix to give it that little tartness the chocolate cake part should have.
basically- you make the cream cheese mix, and seperately you make the cake batter. add the cake mix first into the cupcake liners, then drop in large dollops ( a big tablespoon) of the cheese mixture. Bake at 375 for about 18-25 minutes- until the cheese just barely starts to brown on the edges.
I made 24 cupcakes- but I would actually go to between 30-36 depending on how big you want them- of course the more you do- the smaller the cupcake. mine were overfull and puffed out too much in the pan.

hope you get a chance to try these!
have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I have so much to share today! This is going to be a LONG post- so stay with me ok?
ok- you know all the companies are starting to share their sneak peaks for CHA? sooo- Bobunny is going to be sharing all week- so I've included some small pics here to whet your appetite - you can see the collections much bigger and better on the blog- link is over there in my links.
Next- I wanted to share - my BIG NEWS!! Bobunny recently asked me to design some stickers for them- so along with debuting love shack- I get to show off the stickers I designed to go along with the set. I designed the Sandcastles sticker sheet- so I hope you'll run out and buy several of these AWESOME :) stickers! Seriously tho- several of the girls design stickers- and they do such an amazing job- all the sticker sheets should be on your shopping list- as well as all the new amazing collections- they are soo gorgeous! I'm also including some of the layouts I've made for the catalog so you can see how rich and beautiful these collections are.

Next I get to share my projects with new Reminisce product! We have new Happy Easter, Monkey Business, and Green Day to share today. All the stickers are glittery and sooo sweet! you get a huge amount with a sheet as well- you could design many projects with just one sheet!
I hope you will check them out as well- the link for the blog is also in my links to the side.
the new monkey stickers are probably my favorites- they are so silly and cute- just made me smile working with them!
and the butterfly stickers in the Green Day set are stunningly beautiful! I love them!

take care and have a wonderful day!

Monday, January 19, 2009

hello hello hello

I am such a late girl today! sorry about that - but my last few weeks have just been such a rush of things to do, things to accomplish, and things that need doing. I needed a day off. I took off today, after a rush of getting some CHA projects made and sent out. LOVE the excitement of CHA and the rush of getting new product and hurrying up to make terrific things. But I also prefer having time to think of things and really make something wonderful that I can analyze.

And yes- my announcement for the blog candy winner will be at the bottom of this post!

tonight I'm sharing this project made again with the Scor- it, but also with some really cool Teresa Collins papers. I got these beautiful file folders to work with and had fun playing with them.

I used the largest folder to make my envelope! after scoring it. I simply glued the edges together on the sides. the card slips easily between where the tab sticks up.

I used some Scenic Route papers to liven up the card and envelope as well. I also included some handcut felt stars, some candles I cut from the paper and foam dotted, bobunny ribbon, some deco scissors and lots of bits from the SR set. I used the smaller file folder as a mat, and added on top of the card.

last but not least, I used the random generator thing- and pulled the number 36- who is .....

Heidi Van Laar!!! she said-

"Kristen, these are just beautiful! I love all the gingham (I can't get enough of it lately) mixed with the bright happy colors! Your card for Katie's sketch is just stunning! Love the buttons and bows! Great new blog look too!Wishing you a very Happy New Year,Heidi"

Congrats Heidi, thank you so much for your nice comments and do email me at ibescrapinkris(at)comcast(dot)net

have a wonderful evening! this will be a great week of sneak peaks so check back often. I do believe I will be also sharing my awesome news this week as well!


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wed NES Day

isn't it weird how we spell Wednesday? why isn't it spelled Wendsday? or some similiar way. today I am sharing a buncha cards I made since Monday. along with my new purchased goodies, I was also gifted with a goodie box including some Scenic Route (SR) papers and the newest Baby book by Scrapbook Trends- I have a cute little box in the book.
So here are a few cards I have made with some K&Co stuff, and the Surprise line from SR.

True love, love that xoxo paper from SR, letter stickers are also SR, and I added in Prima flower, michaels pearls, some MM letters and a Martha Punch. The heart is cut using my Cricut and the Plantin cart.
next, using some of the same SR papers, I cut an apple from the cricut using Plantin cart, added a circle and scallops also cut from same cart. a button, some old printed twill, and MM letters. Cute teacher card hunh?

Then I used this wild burst shape cut with cricut and plantin cart. I added some dicuts from my SR set, some pretty bobounny ribbon, cut out candles from that paper, and a sticker. also used thickers from Amer. Crafts.
this orangy fall card is made with K&co papers, some sage felt, WRMK ribbon, and a MME rubon, along with a Hambly prints journal block.

Another bright fun card with birthday theme. I cut the star with the Plantin cart, and used some of the diecuts from the SR set. Added in some papers cut with deco scissors and bobunny ribbon.

aren't these birds sweet. I used K&CO paper and stickers, some KI lace, Bobunny dot cardstock, and a phrase sticker from Mrs. Grossman. Also added in a Hambly prints journal spot.
lastly for today, I have this card with SEI paper, MM tear out journal sheet, K&CO bfly, some wrights lace, prima glittered flower and rubon from Paper House productions.
thanks for dropping by today! hope you week is fabulous!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Goood morning!!

Happy Monday morning! wow- did we have a busy weekend!! Hubby and I tiled and grouted our kitchen and dining room floors and did a lot of other odd jobs that we've been putting off this weekend. Being under a time constraint really gets us motivated to get things in order here!

Unfortunately we had a small injury this weekend- Alizabeth was at her friends house and was playing shuffleboard and got hit with one of the discs on her finger. It's just the very tip of her ring finger on her left hand, but I'm pretty sure it's broken. Called the nurse oncall and talked to them- they've had us get her a splint and give her some pain meds, but said if it is broken, there isn't a whole lot they could do for it besides that. I'm going to talk to her dr today and see what she says. Poor kiddo!!

Today is share day for our 2s4you cards! My winter design term is winding down and they are looking for a Spring Team. I'm going to miss being a part of the team, but I'm so glad to have been part and have loved everything about the experience!!

I wanted to make a bright sunshiney feeling card this week! I bought some awesome K&CO products this week and had so much fun making this card! ( i bought a mat pack of the paper- some fun new product for less cost!)
the orange dot is Bobunny- love their dot cardstock!! it's wonderful!
and the rest of the papers and the felt bfly are K&co. I used my Scor it tool to score the lines on the green paper, then sanded them. I also used my Cricut to cut the pink scallop.
I used a Hambly prints clear block, and some MM and AC letters.

this card was just up on the bobunny blog, we did some cards for a sketch Dee did. I used a piece of one of their acrylic albums, and punched more holes in it with my cropadile- like buttah it went through! then I cut out some of those adorable birds from the flirty line, some beautiful fun flower stickers and used some pearls on the double dot chipboard letters.

thanks for stopping by today! only 3 days left til I pick a winner of my blog candy!

have a lovely day!


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

bonus sketch

I loved Peet's bonus sketch at 2s4y this week- so I pulled out some older stash and worked on it last night.
I used We R Memory Keepers papers, cut out the flowers and vine, then hand cut the leaves.
I added some Anna Griffin ribbon, and some Scenic Route letters.
thanks for stopping by! and thank you so much for your comments, they are near and dear to my heart!

Monday, January 5, 2009


Do you make resolutions? I gave up on them quite some time ago. I do want to improve myself- and my life, but don't like the disappointment I often feel when my goals slip away after a few weeks into the new year.
This year I do hope to better my health, , get more organized and get more accomplished when I create. I want to work on putting more effort into small details and have a more polished look to everything I do.
I have already begun my effort of better health, by drinking less soda- I am ADDICTED to coke, cherry pepsi or dr. pepper- and was drinking up to 4 ( or more- yikes!) a day- and NOT drinking enough water. I found this DELICIOUS water!!
omgosh- tho it's not shown- the raspberry is soooo good- real fruit tasting- like fresh raspberries.
yum- and I am proud to say that I now only allow one soda a day for myself- soon to be less then that!

I also am so glad to have the kids back in school today!! teehee- I need some alone time- we had friends over all week last week and 3 to 4 girls shriek at epic decibels! The poor dog would hide under my desk when it got really loud.

now on to my card for this weeks sketch at 2s4y. I used one of my new snowflakes from K&Co. The Paper is from Scenic Route, and I added some KI lace paper, with some cricut cut letters, that I also glittered. my michaels pearls and button and twine bow finish it off.

I also wanted to share my new years project I made for Bobunny's blog last week. I used all Double Dot cardstock and made it very colorful- I loved it til I saw Shanna's set on there- her pink and black set is AWESOME- check it out!
I used lots of glitter glue and gems, and fun stuff- but I think the BEST part of it - are the peppermint cupcakes I made to show off the star picks I made.
I used regular devils food cake mix and added about 2 tsp. of peppermint flavoring. Then I made my homemade buttercream icing- and added about 1 tsp of peppermint flavoring to that.
I topped the cupcakes with red peanut m&m's - aren't they cherry-like looking! and some crushed peppermint puff candies- these are less hard then candy canes ( which hurt my teeth a bit to crunch) (they are more like afterdinner mints) and they kind of melt into the icing- so they are really YUMMY

Have a wonderful day! and dont forget- I'm still taking comments to enter into my blog candy giveaway! it goes til Jan 15th!
