yeah, that sums it up.
like I said- one of those days. I was so busy running around that I really only had a little time to do anything- and in hopes of figuring out my camera- and how to take much better pics, that is what I chose to do with my 30 minutes of free time today.
if you are anything like me- and fall soundly asleep while opening the front cover on your camera manual, then go over to my blogs links and go to Pioneer Woman's site- she has some basic instruction on learning your camera settings - things like aperture and shutterspeed- it's well done so my tiny brain can actually kinda sorta understand these complicated things. I might actually be learning what those things mean - and how to apply them to my confangled camera. ( eep! I just found out that my camera was set on 1600 ISO!! ) how did that happen!
I made this card last night- nothing earth shatteringly new- just some nice colors and design.
All papers are KaiserCraft,prima glittered flower, Cornish Heritage Farms stamp and some WRMK rickrack.

have a good night!
Beautiful! I love the colors:)
Thinks for the link I truly needed it , I am so like you I hate reading the manuals. I really love your card for it to be nothing earth shattering the colors rock and the stitching is awesome you have a great hand I am still stitching straight lines LOL:)
Love, love, love this. I like the colors and the stitching and the patterns. Very nice.
Beautiful Kristen, I must check out that site.. my kind of instructions. ;)
Beautiful I love the papers you have used xxxxx
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