Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Merry Christmas

Happy Holidays everyone. I am trying to take a little time off to spend with my girls this week. I hope to be back after the New Year to once again share my creations with you. Blessings to you all and thank you so much from the bottom of my lil' old heart for coming and commenting and being here to share this love of creating with me.
Until then, two last little stampy cards to share with you- from MyStampBox.
I used the Let it Snow snowflakes stamp set to create the background. and then added some American Crafts stickers to finish it- popping the greeting up with some Glue Arts Ucutit foam.

 For this card, I used American Crafts City Park, cutting out and popping up the clouds with Glue Arts Ucutit foam.. I stamped the butterflies using the Colorful Companions set.  And I added a bit of white crinkled seam binding. Don't forget that I sell Crinkled Seam Bindings in my Etsy Store!!

Thanks again for stopping by- Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Imaginisce Holiday Door Hanger

 I typically don't decorate my girls rooms at Christmas time, however, they do like to have a little something, so I create door knob hangers for them to have on their doors. This Imaginisce paper really made a festive creation combined with my fun snowman made with styrofoam balls.

Glue Arts- Perma Tac runner and Glue Glider Pro, Glue Arts Hot Glue Gun and Hot Glue Sticks
Imaginisce Cottage Christmas papers, chipboards, and snowflake crystals
Styrofoam balls
tinsel ribbon- Pink Paislee
white acrylic paint
crystal glitter
orange felt
door hanger
sheer ribbon
jingle bells
black marker
craft glue
pink chalk
toothpicks inked with brown ink

1. Adhere patterned paper to door hanger with Perma Tac, especially along edges.
2. Use craft glue and outline outside of door hanger and knob inside, then liberally sprinkle with glitter and let dry throughly.
3. Use craft knife to cut styrofoam balls in half, then use Glue Arts Hot Glue Gun to glue half circles for snowman on side of door hanger. Paint with white acrylic paint and lightly sprinkle with glitter.
4. Make accordion medallion with red paper and adhere to door hanger with Hot Glue Gun, also gluing on acrylic snowflakes ( two layered), sheer ribbon bow, and jingle bells.
5. Use chalk to make snowman's cheeks, then dress him with buttons, felt nose, use marker for eyes and mouth, and roll paper into hat, then finishing with tinsel ribbon, adhering all with Hot Glue Gun. Insert toothpicks that have been inked for his arms.
6. Cut oval from paper using template, then decorate with chipboard sticker and buttons tied with twine.

Thanks for stopping by today!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I am in love with three men...

 snowmen that is.....actually make that four.. hubby always counts!...

ok ok, don't tell my hubby, but these sweet little snowman jars I made yesterday STOLE my heart. I love them. Don't they look like you'd spend a fortune at the store buying them? Can you believe that two of them are 'trash' jars and one is an old bell canning jar? Seriously. I added in some cheap glitter, a couple sticks from the yard, some very inexpensive styrofoam balls and various embellies to make them into these wonderful pieces.

And didn't I promise more projects with my incredibly beautiful crinkled seam binding. I used one length and created these three jars, so if you are buying it, please make sure you hop over to my Etsy store and check out my items for sale.

I know my pics are a little dark, I am hoping that it helps show the detail I put into them. Each topper is different from the others, which makes the trio even more adorable. First of all, I was distracted at the craft store- can you blame me- after all, it's like creation station heaven for me. So I was buying too many styrofoam balls and I put back a pack I needed, I ended up with only a single pack of same sized balls. So what does a girl do? She makes do with what she has instead of running out to christmas crazy shopping once again. I bought those smooth styofoam balls, and since they were all one size, I tried to figure out a different way to alter them to make them into something usable and cool. Cool being number 1 on my list! :)

what I did was to take my fingernail and dig into the styrofoam and basically dig out chunks of styrofoam. This gave the ball that really fun just packed snow look. Then I rolled the ball around on the table a bit to smooth it out a little. ( you can also use the point of scissors- cause my fingers got sore quickly)

 I used my Glue Arts Hot Glue gun, and I glued the snowmen together and onto the jar lids. While I was at the store- with my hubby who really really really really REALLY dislikes glitter ( because he always seems to end up wearing bits of it) I found cheapie bags of Buffalo Snow Snowflakes- this stuff is like chunky glittery iridescent snow  that comes in mondo big bags. Perfect for altered snow stuff, I got some - meanwhile hubs is FREAKING out- thinking I'm going to sprinkle this stuff around the house or under his pillow or something.

So I used some liquid glue- just craft glue stuff, and spread it around the bottom of the snowman and the jar lid. and some bottoms of jars, more on this later.

THEN, after I let that dry a bit, I brushed the craft glue all over the snow men, and sprinkled them with clear crystal glitter. So they'd be extra sparkly.

At that point, I let them dry. Then the next day, I had my youngest go stick hunting in the yard, she did a great job and found all these little snowman arms just lying out there on the ground. heh heh heh.  I inserted their arms and sealed it with more hot glue, then I added their chalk pink cheeks and eyes and mouths with a black sharpie pen. I also bought a block of Sculpey clay in tomato red and created a whole bunch of carrot noses and baked them, then hot glued them on as well.
From there, it was just a matter of decorating them and the jars as I pleased.

I used Cosmo Cricket music paper, some Teresa Collins bling gems and stars, some cheapo tinsel pipe cleaners and some Pink Paislee tinsel ribbon, some craft store berry stems and iridescent mini snowflake ornaments,  silver jingle bells, a couple buttons, my ETSY STORE crinkled ribbon,  some cream felt, twine, an old felt stocking mini ornament, and some Girl's Paperie stickers.

After everything was glued and set, I took my heat gun and heated it up, then used it on each snowman, it gets rid of those glue strings you get. I also loved how it crinkled up that Buffalo Snow, and made it less messy, so I took the gun and heated all the snow up to get it smoother on my jars.

Seriously- look at that face, isn't he darling? I hope you have enjoyed my post today! Come back tomorrow for a last project before Christmas!

Oh before I go, yes, these jars are functional. I had some mint lifesavers- love them cause they are white, and put them in the jars, the lids can still be twisted on an off. However, you could use some glittery tiny silver ball ornaments, those clear and frosted glass discs in the floral aisle at the store, or anything you'd rather include so that no one tries to open the jars.

Happy Holidays! xoxo to you all!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

500 followers!!!!!!!! And as I promised..

 OMGOSH!!! what is that quote- " You like me, you really like me!!!"
I logged in this morning to share a special post and immediately saw that sometime yesterday I hit my 500th follower!! WOWIE ZOWIE!!!! thank you all so much!! I am aware that there are even more people then that who follow me with other readers and such, but it's nice to see so many of you coming here with every new post. I absolutely LOVE to share my creations, and I hope it shows how much I love to create with every photo and post I put on here. I have grown so much in the last several years with my creating, and even when I've learned everything I think I can, I am proven wrong and being pushed opens up another great expanse of learning for me. Thank you for being here with me on my journey.

Today, as I mentioned, I want to share a special post. If you click this video and watch, you will see these two beautiful and fabulous ladies mention this project below. How cool is that!! Lori is also taking this frame to CHA Winter, so you can see it there! This video is also being shared over on the Northridge Media blog- Create- if you want to hop over there and leave a comment to let them know you are watching..

 Hot Glue Gun and Hot Glue Sticks
Imaginisce Roly Rosies- Pinks and Brights
Imaginisce Cottage Christmas Snowflake Charms
Imaginisce I-Top tool- Button Daddies- Medium and Large
Crystal Glitter
White Acrylic Paint
Crackle Medium
Black frame with cork inset
Berry stems
sheer ribbon
clear drying liquid glue

1. Create roly rosies using a pack of Pinks and a pack of Brights.
2. Paint frame with Crackle Medium, following directions, then paint with white acrylic paint, dry throughly.
3. Using Hot Glue Gun, glue large rosies in a circle, then fill in with smaller rosies, alternating colors.
4. Create I-Top buttons with I-Top Punch, I-Top tool, and Button Daddies, then adhere to frame with Hot Glue.
5. Cut apart berry stems, adhere in random places with Hot Glue.
6. Weave sheer ribbon around rosies, then create bow and top bow with I-Top Button in pink, Hot Glue in center of wreath.
7. Use liquid glue and edge topmost parts of rosies, sprinkle with glitter and allow to dry.
8. Randomly Hot Glue snowflake charms around and on top of rosies.

So as I promised, if I hit 500 followers before the end of the year, I have a super sweet Pink Paislee prize pack to giveaway. This contest goes to the end of the year, New Years Day I will announce the winner...

You will get one entire collection of Sweetness, one entire collection of Old School, a 6x6 pack of Queen Bee,  a heart mini album with Sweetness covers, the stamp set from the House of  3 Parisian Anthology, and canvas border stickers for the Sweetness collection, now..... is that a sweet blog candy or what!!

To win, please leave me a comment on THIS blog post, I will pick winners only from this post!!  Please only have a US or Canadian address for shipping and also, if you aren't a follower, please go ahead and add yourself to follow my blog. 
Have a terrific day!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Happy Saturday

Hello my wonderful blog readers! It's a beautiful, but really cold day here in Maryland this morning, my office is freezing so I have a portable heater blowing on me to keep me warm today. I am hoping to craft some with my girls, we have so many wonderful holidays crafts that never seem to get completed, today seems like the perfect day. Have had a rough end to this week, having had a major issue with a family member that has truly just hurt my family beyond measure and the only way to get through is just to move on, measure my own blessings and tell myself that there are just people in this world to feel pity for because they are so filled with misery that hurting others becomes their only way to deal with themselves.
 I though--- am sooo blessed with my beautiful family, warm home, friends and family, and a gift to create amazing things to share with crafters all around the world. How could I need anything more?

today I want to share this any season card,  made with scraps of American Crafts, some of my gorgeous green seam binding. ( many colors for sale in my etsy shop- link on top right of page!)  some MyStampBox stamped butterflies from the Colorful Companions and an Amer. Crafts sticker for the greeting. I also managed to detail the bflies with those soft lime pearls and a teal button with twine.  Simple card really, but so pretty!

LilyGirl- last week you asked me how I store my scraps...for most of my scraps I have a 12x12 storage box for cardstock and one for patterned paper. What I try to do is create with my scraps right away. I only keep scraps if they are 4x6 or larger, mostly. And I love mixing papers, so occasionally when I have a day to just play, I will get out my scraps box and try different patterns together. Also remember- with working for several manufacturers, I often just keep my scraps of their papers in my supply boxes and then just work from that.  If you are super conscientious you could keep a super small scraps bag, and donate them to your art teachers at schools, the kids love to play with colorful scraps.

Now, on to my giveaways....

winners from last weeks' Echo Park Merry Christmas paper packs are...

ScrappyMama said...Love your card! Thanks for the chance to win the giveaway...I'm already a follower but I didn't see any other rules to follow so I hope I'm qualified.


Blogger BUZZY BEE DESIGNS & GRAPHICS said...I'm already a follower I post your blog candy on my right sidebar hope this help you get to 500 before the year ends.
Rebecca Minor

congratulations winners!!! please contact me at ibescrapinkris ( at ) comcast ( dot ) net with your shipping addy's and I will get them out to you.

For a quick last minute giveway- since next week is CHRISTMAS!!
I have a pack of Echo Park's Everybody Loves Christmas...

Just a single giveaway this week, and just to let you know, I have had several blog candy winners who didn't contact me over the last few weeks, which although I'm sure their lives are hectic as is everyone's at this time of year, I don't feel it's fair for all my blog readers to continue holding these prizes to the side for. So at this time, aside from today's winners, all those prizes are back on my giveaway list. Looks like I will continue to be able to give away goodies for several more weeks!

to enter to win this collection, please leave me a comment, be a US or Canadian shipping address and if you would please, add yourself as a follower to my blog. Please remember that only some of these items have been sponsored by the manufacturers and I am soley responsible for shipping costs.

thanks sooo much for dropping in today! I hope your holiday season is merry and bright!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Gingerbread garland

 Good news friends! My Etsy Shop is now open! I have a few seam binding ribbons up already and today will be listing lots more for you. I know there areother etsy sellers, so I appreciate so much that you would buy from me. Just think, at least with me, you get bonus ideas as well on using that seam binding!  Put in this coupon code- KRISNEW20 and get 20% off your Scrapinkris Etsy shop purchase! 

For today I also have a Glue Arts project to share with you..

You may be tempted to eat this one, it's so very delicious with all the beautiful 'icing' glitter and gorgeous papers, but I can assure you, it's far better to leave it up and share it with everyone LOL!!

Glue Arts Hot Glue Gun and Hot Glue Sticks
Glue Arts Glue Glider Pro and High Tac adhesive
Gingerbread Man mini album/Red pearls- KaiserCraft
Ribbon- May Arts
Papers/Punchouts- Graphic 45
flowers- Petaloo
buttons/twine/berry stems/glitter stems/wiggle eyes- craft supply
white fabric paint/glitter- Tulip
chalk- Pebbles
ink- Inkadinkado
sand paper
small bit of tulle



1. Cover gingerbread men using patterned paper and High Tac Adhesive. Trim edges and sand lightly, ink all edges using brown ink and makeup sponges.
2. Use chalk to rub pink cheeks on all gingerbread shapes.
3. Adhere wiggle eyes and red pearl noses to faces.
4. Use white fabric paint to add mouth and 'icing' decoration around outside of gingerbread shape. While wet, sprinkle lightly with glitter. Dry throughly.
5. Make accordions with patterned paper, glue to each gingerbread shape in the middle.
6. Repunch holes in hands with exacto knife, then use ribbon to tie all shapes together. Add layered buttons to twine and knot onto ribbon. Then using Hot Glue Gun adhere berry stems to backsides of buttons. Stems can be pre-curled around pencil for shape.
7. Use punchouts, patterned paper fussy cut shapes, buttons/twine, and glittered flowers to add decoration to each accordion medallion, using Hot Glue for each item.
8. Add tulle knots for gingerbread girl hair bow, using Hot Glue.

Designer Tip- I prefer Hot Glue for some holiday home decor projects, it holds up well with temperature changes once my decor is packed up and stored. If you find you have a lot of glue strings, simply take a heat gun or hot hair dryer to your project and lightly allow the air to go across your creation. It will melt the little strings easily.

Thanks for dropping by and have a terrific day! 

Monday, December 13, 2010

A Pebbles Christmas Card

One of my favorite things to do is to use my scraps from other projects, I find it's so much easier to see unique combinations of colors and patterns when you are playing with the smaller pieces like scraps. I love that I can make several cards with my scraps, and my throw away is minimal, what a great way to save money and paper! I put these two red and green papers together and thought it was just a fun and pretty Christmas combo, making a card came easy once I was inspired to add a little kraft cardstock to the mix. Adding this large ribbon and bow really gives my card a lot of punch too!! I also used foam tabs on the chipboards, not just for the dimension they add, but now my card has more sticking power to stay well adhered."

Pebbles supplies used:
Tree House Melody (751030) 
Twitterpated Giddy (751005)

Other supplies used:

Cardstock (American Crafts)
Flower (Petaloo)
Ink (Ranger)
Mist (Tattered Angels)
Chipboard (K&Company)
Ribbon (May Arts)
Adhesives (American Crafts)

I also spent the weekend with my family, so I thought I'd take today and go ahead and announce my newest blog candy giveaway!!

I have two --yes-- TWO Echo Park Merry Christmas lines to giveaway. Winners will be announced on Saturday Dec. 18th. Again, please make sure you follow my rules so I can name you as a winner!! Please be US or Canadian shipping only, and follow my blog

I sure would love to hit 500 followers by the end of the year, that's only a few more people! If I do, I will be doing a sweet Pink Paislee giveaway to a lucky winner!


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Happy Saturday

Good morning! I would love to share this framed piece I made for Pink Paislee. I am sad to say, this is my final Pink Paislee piece for the year, as my term is up with them. I have enjoyed so much being a part of the design team, working with gorgeous papers and products and being part of the extraordinary talent that has made up the team this year.  I will miss very much being a part of it, and can only hope that one day soon I will be working with Rebecca and Pink Paislee products again.

 Click here for the link to see the Pink Paislee Blog post, with free downloadable clipart santa,

and click here for the link to the free instructions to make this project.

And I would like to announce my winner of the Graphic 45 and seam binding giveaway.

Drum roll please.....

ScrappyMama said...Why, yes I would love to win some of this paper...it's gorgeous!!! All your cards are great & I especially love the one w/the cranberries on it. Thanks for sharing & for the chance to win this great giveaway!!

Congratulations to you Scrappy Mama. Please email me at ibescrapinkris (at) comcast (dot) net with your shipping info so I can get that out to you.

I would also like to point out that several winners of the last couple weeks have not gotten back to me. In fairness to everyone, I will give all my winners until Sat. Dec. 18th to contact me, otherwise, I will have to put your prizes back into my box and hold other giveaways.

I will be back tomorrow with my new prize giveaway!!
have a terrific day!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Quick Post

would you like to win a Yudu? Heidi Swapp has an amazing new video up with some beautiful Christmas stockings.
Heidi Swapp Yudu Video!

if you go to the House of 3 blog and leave a comment you can be entered to win your own Yudu!!

House of 3 blog

so hop over after you check out her video show- I want to play with my Yudu every time I watch one of Heidi's Yudu videos- she did a super halloween one that you can see HERE. AMAZING stuff!!

take care

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Glue Arts Ornaments

Good morning, just wanting to show you a couple more ornaments I did using Glue Arts adhesives and our sponsor's paper ( Making Memories Noel Collection) I adore making ornaments, it's probably one of my most favorite papercrafting creations. There is just so many ways you can decide to create your ornaments, so I hope you are out there creating some of your own this year!!

JOY Ornament
Designer: Kristen Swain


Glue Arts Hot Glue Gun and Glue Sticks, UCUTIT foam
Making Memories chipboard glittered snowflakes and Noel Paper collection and diecuts
berry stems/gems/jingle bells- craft supply
The Twinery- twine


1. Adhere three snowflake chipboard pieces together, adding UCUTIT foam between each piece, and gluing with Hot Glue Gun.
2. Glue diecut piece in center of snowflake with hot glue.
3. Tuck two curled berry stems into space between diecut and snowflake, then top with holly diecut. Adhere red gem with glue gun.
4. Glue three jingle bells to side of diecut.
5. Cut out letters from patterned paper, adhere to diecut piece with UCUT IT Foam.
6. Punch hole and make hanger with the twinery twine.

Flower Ball Ornament
Designer: Kristen Swain


Glue Arts- Hot Glue Gun and Glue Sticks
Making Memories Noel Papers
Ribbon- May Arts
Flowers - Petaloo
button/twine- craft supply
seam binding
styrofoam ball
glitter glue
The Twinery twine
decor scissors-fiskars- cloud

1. Cut styrofoam ball in half with knife, then hollow out middle of ball.
2. Wrap red rickrack ribbon around itself, gluing in spots with hot glue gun, to make a ribbon rose. Adhere red gem in center of rose with hot glue. Cut leaf ribbon into pieces, and tuck leaves around rose, adhere with hot glue.
3. Glue rose inside of hollowed out space in styrofoam ball.
4. Make an accordion with 2 2 inch strips, gluing them together with the hot glue, trimming edges with deco scissors
5. Glue the styrofoam ball to the center of the accordion using hot glue,
6. Fill in around the sides of the ball with glittered flowers and a seam binding bow, topping bow with button and twine.
7. Punch hole in top of ornament, tying on Twinery twine for hanger, then glitter glue around edges of accordion.

 take care!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Friday Happiness

Good evening! I have a quick post today, just wanted to share a couple more cards I had gotten done during the week.
Some more vintage look cards, this one the poinsettia paper is Making Memories, and the gold stripe is Graphic 45, as is the rounded top image. I added the reverse cranberry color in a block and matted it with scallop punched gold stripe. I hand drew my stitching lines, then I popped up the tree piece with my Glue Arts UcutIt foam. I placed champagne pearls on the bottoms of the candles on the tree, and also glittered the tree with some cheapie stickles like glitter.

I took a couple berry stems and curled them and tucked them in the card, along with some pretty cranberry seam binding that I topped with a button and twine. I also put on a Petaloo flower I sprayed wtih some light pink and cream misters, and put some fake stickles in the center of the flower. Lastly I added an American Crafts sticker for the greeting popped on more UcutIt foam.

I couldn't resist one more card with this pretty santa scene cut from the Graphic 45 paper, I layered it on more Graphic 45 paper, and added this stunning large Petaloo flower I misted with plum and sage. I tucked a sage and green seam binding ribbon bow, topped with a couple jingle bells and a twine button combo.

Again, I used some fake stickles ( got this tube for $1 at the craft store) and outlined the scene and topped santa's beard and hair with it, as well as the middle of the flower. I popped up my American Crafts sticker with some UCutIt foam too.

and finally this pretty fun card, which is totally different!! I also received some Mitten Weather from Cosmo Cricket as a sponsorship with Cricut Circle blog, and because they were so generous, have plenty to make cards with as well. So I created this card with christmas colors and purple!
First I mounted the greeting block on kraft then punched the scallops. I also added gems to the centers of some of the flowers on the tree.

 I added this border strip along the side, and glittered some snowflakes I just drew on the pattern, then I topped them with clear and glitter ( American Crafts) buttons. I put a couple of the chipboard hearts on there and then added seam binding ribbon and bow topped with button misted in browns and light purple.

Lastly today, since I am prescheduling this post as we have two parties to attend tomorrow, I will announce the winners of last weeks blog candy.

Winner # 1 is........
Blogger flowerdisco said...
congrats to the lucky ladies and put my name in the hat again :( , lol
November 29, 2010
 Congratulations!! you have won the Snapshots Nature Cartridge! ( let me know if you don't have an Imagine and I will substitute your prize!!
 Winner #2 is...
Blogger KateB said...
I bought some seam binding to try and creat my own but must've bought some wacky brand; it didn't work AT ALL-it was too thick...where do I find it?
November 29, 2010
Congrats Kate!! Well I guess you can find it in your mailbox soon! HAHAHA!!
Winners, please email me at ibescrapinkris(At) comcast (dot) net and send your addy's so I can mail those off to you!!

Again, because I wanna share the joy and spread some HAPPINESS!! I have a single blog candy giveaway this week...
would you like to win.. an assortment of Graphic 45 Christmas paper, plus a few yards of yummy matching or coordinating seam binding ribbon?
Leave me a comment, and follow this blog if you aren't already, and I will enter your name in my drawing!!
Winners will be chosen and announced next Saturday!!
love to you all!!